by Tammy | Feb 26, 2014 | Featured Programs, Latest News
Sherwood Hills Baptist Church is now supporting Missionary Abel Bonilla and Missionary Kory Mears. Missionary Abel Bonilla was a Missionary to Honduras for 20 years. The Bonilla Family are now Missionaries to Australia and have begun working to reach the Spanish...
by Tammy | Oct 17, 2013 | Featured Programs, Latest News
Sherwood Hills Baptist Church is now supporting Pastor Leo Tago and Missionary Charles Lawson in their ministry for the Lord. Pastor Leo Tago is Pastor of Lifegate Baptist Church, Phnom Penh Cambodia. Below is a short testimony of how The Lord has been working in...
by Tammy | Aug 8, 2013 | Featured Programs, Latest News
This year, our Missions Conference was held from July 3- July 7. The Conference’s theme was “Declare His Praise in The Islands” taken from Isaiah 42:12. Missions Conference always focuses on reaching losts souls around the world, but this year we...
by Tammy | May 20, 2013 | Latest News
The SHBC 2013 Family Camp was held from April 16-19 at Warrambui Retreat & Conference Centre. We were blessed to have Pastor Chapman and his daugther, Faith, join us for the week. Pastor Chapman’s theme for the week was REJOICE where he took us through the...