This year, our Missions Conference was held from July 3- July 7. The Conference’s theme was “Declare His Praise in The Islands” taken from Isaiah 42:12. Missions Conference always focuses on reaching losts souls around the world, but this year we paid special islands to the lost souls in the South Pacific Islands.
We had the priviledge of inviting and hosting the Lawson Family, Misionaries to Tuvalu, and the Serewai Family from Barotu Baptist Church, Fiji Islands. We were greatly blessed by their presence and testimony for the Lord as they shared their fields, ministry and burdens with the people of Sherwood Hills Baptist Church. We were also blessed by the sermons the Lord provided through them. It was a great reminder and challenge to continue to obey the Lord’s Great Commission.
The Missions Conference was also a blessing through the food and fellowship. Lunches, Afterglows and the International Dinner ensured that we also were fed physically. The Lord blessed the time for fellowship with the visiting missionaries, new visitors and amoung the members. The International Dinner saw families prepare cuisines from more than 9 different cultures and countries.
We thank the Lord for the blessings he has continually shown us during the Missions Conference as a result Faith Promise Commitments have grown this year. It is only by the Lord’s grace that Sherwood Hills Baptist Church remains. Please pray for Sherwood Hills Baptist Church that we may continue to serve the Lord faithfully and wholeheartedly.